Sexual contact is divided into 4 parts: Excitement, Plateau, Orgasm, and Resolution. This video focuses on the first two, Excitement and Plateau, and what happens to a woman when she is horny.
The Excitement phase begins with a woman seeing something arousing or someone she finds attractive. The pupils will dilate, her heart rate will increase. Her cheeks will blush and her lips will gently swell. This phase decreases the cognitive process, which is the reason women in this phase may not act like themselves.
Most women experience the excitement phase a few times a day without anything sexual actually happening. When a woman actually engages with another person or perhaps herself, she enters the plateau phase. During this phase, the glands in and around the vagina begin releasing lubricating fluid. The nipples will become erect. The vaginal canal lengthens, some up to 8 inches and the muscles in the vaginal wall relax.
Women have both erectile tissue and foreskin, most commonly known as the clitoris. During the plateau phase the clitoral hood, or female foreskin, retracts to reveal an enlarged clitoris. Unlike the male erection, this can take up to 20 minutes. This is why it is important to take your time and focus on some foreplay.
This is why it is important to take your time and focus on some foreplay. When women are not properly aroused when penetration occurs, sex becomes uncomfortable and sometimes painful. When sex becomes painful, it is no longer desired. Make your woman desire you and don’t skip the foreplay!