You’ve seen it. I’ve seen it (in person). We’ve all seen it. A woman squirting copious amounts of fluid, screaming in ecstasy, and having an orgasm all at the same time. I’m talking about the squirting orgasm.
Unfortunately, for the general population, squirting is most often only witnessed in porn movies. Not exactly the most reliable source. These porn movies lead to many questions. Is what I’m seeing real? Is it pee? Is this woman really having an orgasm so intense that she can’t control herself and involuntarily squirts some sort of fluid all over the place?
The answer is, well, yes and no.
Yes, squirting is real. Yes, female ejaculation is real, but what you are witnessing in porn is sometimes not real.
You have to remember that porn is for entertainment ONLY and porn producers want everything to be over the top, so sometimes they fake the squirting. With that being said, some porn actresses do actually squirt during a shoot. They are just few and far between.
When it comes to real life, yes, squirting is very real, and all women are capable of learning how to have a squirting orgasm.
When it happens, some women will shoot the squirting fluid out of the urethra with great force, and for others it will just dribble out. It just depends on the woman. Women can also have multiple squirting orgasms per sex session.
Not a lot is known about the reason behind why female ejaculation or squirting occurs, but it is a VERY enjoyable experience for the woman and, heck, if we’re all honest, it’s quite an ego boost for us guys too.
What we do know about squirting is that it is not urine. The fluid has a different chemical makeup. The fluid (or squirting fluid) contains something called PSA, or prostatic-specific antigen. This is something that male semen has in it as well, but is not found in urine.
As in males, the PSA fluid in females comes from the prostate. In women this is called the Skene’s gland.
During sexual activity, usually involving stimulation of the G-spot, the Skene’s gland produces the female ejaculate, and as stimulation continues, the fluid builds up and it is eventually expelled out of the urethra.
Remember, even though it comes out of the urethra it is not pee. It has a different consistency, color, smell, and taste than urine (it actually has a bit of a sweet taste), and women who are squirters know it has a much different feeling than urinating.
Usually the squirting event is accompanied by a very powerful female orgasm, although it is possible for a woman to squirt without having an orgasm, but even this is reported to feel good. If this is the case for you or your partner it’s very simple to learn how to make both the squirting event and the orgasm happen at the same time. (It’s something I learned in a video course called, The Female Orgasm Blueprint.)
Recently, squirting has been thrown into the limelight because of a questionable study (involving ONLY seven women) that showed during sexual stimulation a woman’s empty bladder will rapidly fill with fluid that is subsequently squirted out. The media took this opportunity to write hundreds of click-bait articles claiming that women are now peeing during sex. This is just a flat-out lie, 100% inaccurate and very irresponsible journalism.
A brief explanation of the study is this. All seven women (who already knew how to squirt) who participated in the study started with an empty bladder. During sexual stimulation the bladder began filling with fluid. After the fluid was expelled (squirted out through the urethra) it was then analyzed, and the scientists found that it was made up of mostly water and PSA from the Skene’s gland (female prostate). (The fluid also contained trace elements of other water-soluble chemicals: urea, creatinine, and uric acid.)
The media subsequently started spreading lies that women are now peeing during sex, all because the fluid that was squirted came from the bladder. They totally ignored the fact that the fluid contained PSA.
Not to mention, the study didn’t actually claim that the fluid the women were squirting was urine. This was just the media twisting words. In fact, if anything the study proved that the fluid is NOT urine because they found it contains prostatic-specific antigen, something urine does not have.
The media’s way of reporting this study is just another example of “if it bleeds then it leads” type of click bait, twisting the truth type of reporting.
In the end, it truly doesn’t matter one bit what the fluid that squirts out is. It’s happening for some reason during sex and it feels damn good to the woman, so who cares what the fluid is?