Everyone knows how accessible porn is these days. Is it these factors that make it so problematic for some people they become “addicted”? Laci Green investigates the claim that porn is addictive like a substance.
The claim that pornography is addictive mostly comes from religious entities and anti-porn groups that promote an abstinence only lifestyle. However, there are other individuals that claim pornography has desensitized them to real life sexual experiences. They also say that the removal of porn from their lives has rectified all their sexual issues.
The logic behind the pornography-addiction argument is that the sheer amount of porn available and the instant accessibility of porn is over-stimulating in comparison to real life sexual experiences. A study conducted by the University of Cambridge suggests that over time your exposure to pornography can increase your tolerance to sexual stimuli, akin to the way the body adapts to alcohol and drug use. Some research suggests it actually rewires your brain in regards to arousal.
Pornography-induced erectile dysfunction is the result of frequent masturbation to pornographic material. This usually occurs at a young age. The introduction to sexual material in our society begins with very graphic and intense images that set the framework for future arousal.
Addiction is scientifically known as a need to use that is biologically driven. Pornography, however, doesn’t change the cell composition the way addiction to chemical substances does. Laci concludes that it is not healthy to refer to pornography as a drug because it frames normal, healthy, curious sexual behavior as abnormal and wrong.
So is the root of pornography “addiction” problem really the pornographic material? Laci believes the problem lies with repressed relationship issues or emotional difficulties that drive people to cope with whatever works and then overuse of “whatever works”.
Most people view pornography without issue. Other that may have underlying emotional problems or predisposition to “addictive” behavior may use porn as a problematic outlet. Good advice in regards to any activity: best enjoyed in moderation. Laci suggests that viewing or utilizing porn multiple times a day is entering unhealthy territory. An even better gauge is that if porn is causing negative consequences in your life it is becoming an unhealthy habit.
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