How To Make Any Woman Squirt
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Chances are you’ve watched a pornographic video or have seen an image of a woman excreting a stream of liquid vaginally at the supposed point of her climax or “squirting”. This phenomena has gained both traction is the pornography circuit as well as controversy from a scientific standpoint. All you really need to know is that any woman is capable of squirting and the fluid actually comes from the female prostate the same way male ejaculate does. If you’d like to experience this with your partner here are the best ways to make any woman squirt:
Make her feel comfortable. Although any woman if capable of squirting some women do not. There are many reasons why that could be but the most likely is that she doesn’t feel comfortable doing it. There is a lot of misinformation out there and she may have come to believe that the fluids she releases are something to feel embarrassed about. In these cases instead of relaxing her pelvic muscles she may clench them tighter to inhibit the secretion of fluids. Let her know ahead of time that you find the process sexy.
Be prepared. Once she feels reassured and is in a comfortable position lying on her back start by massaging her pussy in preparation for penetration. You’ll want to make sure she’s wet before any kind of insertion. If this can’t be achieved naturally grab some lube.
Stimulate her G spot. Squirting occurs when the G spot is stimulated and signals excretion from the prostate gland. The best way to locate and massage the G spot is to insert one finger and make the “come here” motion against her upper vaginal wall. You should notice an area there that feels different from the rest of the vaginal canal. It should feel like it’s rippling and is slightly swollen. That’s your area of concentration. Be patient and start with light strokes allowing the pressure to build.
Throughout the experience make sure you’re checking in with her and listening to the cues her body is giving you. Don’t be afraid to ask her how she’s feeling and let her know that you are also enjoying the experience. Ultimately, a woman’s ability to squirt and the amount of fluid she releases depends on how sensitive her G spot is so don’t be discouraged if it takes a little longer than expected.
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